Press Release

ILA Berlin concludes with a rise in visitor numbers

  • Around 95,000 participants
  • 600 exhibitors from 31 countries
  • Federal government strongly represented
  • 200 delegations from around 60 countries
  • 1,500 participants in the ILA Talent Hub
  • Next ILA Berlin scheduled for 10 to 14 June 2026

For five days at Berlin/Brandenburg's airport BER the focus was on the future of aerospace. Taking as its slogan ’Pioneering Aerospace’, the event gathered representatives of international industry, politics, the armed forces and science. Around 600 exhibitors from 31 countries presented a wide range of hi-tech and R&D projects. Some 350 speakers discussed the latest aerospace topics on four stages. Key subjects were climate-neutral aviation, security and defence and the benefits of space flight for humanity. There was keen public interest in the show – tickets for the open weekend soon sold out. A total of around 95,000 participants from around 60 nations attended the ILA.

Martin Kroell, member of the board and SME officer of the BDLI: “ILA once again proved how important it is for the German aerospace industry, not only as a showcase for our innovative drive, which fascinates both trade visitors and the public, but also because it thrives on political impulses and ideas. All the stakeholders for maintaining our technological leadership came together and engaged in a dialogue – on subjects including zero-emissions aviation, defending our freedom and Europe’s sovereign access to space.“

Dr. Mario Tobias, CEO, Messe Berlin GmbH: “Whether the subject is eVTOL aircraft, climate-friendly propulsion systems or satellite networks – ILA stands for innovation, new technology and sustainability in aerospace more than any other event. As always, ILA topics are up-to-the-minute – this year’s event was impressive proof of that.“

Federal government strongly represented
Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz opened ILA Berlin with a tour of the event. The federal government very much supported a strong aerospace industry, said the federal chancellor in his opening speech. “We want to see the German and European aerospace industry leading the world, in each of the three areas ILA also focuses on: civil aviation, defence and not least space flight.“ Scholz also announced the purchase of a further 20 Eurofighters at ILA.

Among those accompanying the chancellor were Federal Minister of Transport Dr. Volker Wissing, Brandenburg’s Minister President Dr. Dietmar Woidke, Berlin's Senator for Economics Franziska Giffey, Federal Government Coordinator of German Aerospace Policy Dr. Anna Christmann, Inspector General of the Bundeswehr Carsten Breuer, and CEO Flughafen Berlin Brandenburg Aletta von Massenbach. On his tour of the event, Federal Minister of Economics Robert Habeck learned about the aerospace industry’s innovations in climate-neutral aviation and visited the Defence Park. Kai Wegner, Governing Mayor of Berlin, as well as CDU leader Friedrich Merz also visited the ILA. Among those accompanying him were the deputy leader of the parliamentary group Johann Wadephul (MdB) and the members of the Bundestag Julia Klöckner and Jens Spahn.

ILA features the entire range of aerospace products
Around 100 aircraft were on display at this year’s ILA – ranging from drones and helicopters to a large passenger airliner. They included an Emirates A380, a Beluga ST and an A321 XLR – with its fuel consumption per passenger now reduced to 30 per cent less than the previous generation of aircraft, this airliner contributes significantly to sustainable aviation. Other highlights were an A310 Air Zero G, used to conduct parabolic flights, and a Do 328 – a flying test bed for eco-friendly aviation technology. Visitors were also able to view the entire range of military aircraft – including a Loyal Wingman, an A400 M transport aircraft and an F-35 multirole stealth fighter, which for the first time took part in an ILA flying display.

The diversity on show at ILA was also reflected in the business deals announced there. Federal Minister of the Interior Nancy Faeser was on the grounds to sign a 1.9 billion euro contract with Airbus Helicopters for H225 Super Puma transporter helicopters for the German Federal Police. The Working Group on Climate-neutral Aviation, which gathers leading stakeholders from politics, science and industry, also presented its recommendations for zero-emissions aviation. Also at ILA, over 40 companies, international organisations and science hubs signed the Zero Debris Charter whose goal is for space to become debris-neutral.

From Advanced Air Mobility to Space – a wide-ranging program of stage events
The focus on the four stages was on the latest aerospace topics. Whether the subject was alternative propulsion systems such as hydrogen or batteries, or optimised manufacturing using lightweight designs, new materials and aerodynamics for minimising CO2 emissions – achieving zero-emissions aviation by 2050 was one of the key topics on the ILA Aviation Future Lab stage. On the Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) stage the topic was mobility in the third dimension: unmanned aerial systems and electric vertical take-off and landing (eVTOL) aircraft are opening up new possibilities, including for wind turbine maintenance, transporting medical supplies and human rescue operations.

At the Defence Forum Air, taking as its slogan ’Airpower worldwide – Global Perspective / Regional Focus’, the Bundeswehr and industry showed how important the air force is for maintaining peace, freedom and security. Each of the three days featured a different topic: Central Europe, the Indo-Pacific and the Global Perspective. At the Space Pavilion the focus was on the benefits of space flight for life on Earth. Among the highlights was the ’Talking to Astronauts’ format with Matthias Maurer, Alexander Gerst, Thomas Pesquet, Nicola Winter, Amelie Schoenenwald and Samantha Cristoforetti. Also at ILA, ESA announced 9 July 2024 as the launch day for Ariane 6.

Taking place for the first time was the TALENT HUB, which brought talented people of all ages and backgrounds together with employers. Over 40 exhibitors from all parts of the industry took part in the Talent Hub. Some 1,500 visitors attended, including students of all ages, people from other industries and professionals in search of new challenges.

The next ILA Berlin will take place from 10 to 14 June 2026.

You can download photos of the ILA 2024 here.